Command-line interface
Starting from version v1.0.0, Trankit supports processing text via command-line interface. This helps users who are not familiar with Python programming language can use Trankit more easily.
Users need to install Trankit via one of the following methods:
pip install trankit==1.1.0
From source:
git clone
cd trankit
pip install -e .
python -m trankit [OPTIONS] --embedding xlm-roberta-base --cpu --lang english --input path/to/your/input --output_dir path/to/your/output_dir
What this command does are:
Forcing Trankit to run on CPU (
). Without this--cpu
, Trankit will run on GPU if a GPU device is available.Initializing an English pipeline with XLM-Roberta base as the multilingual embedding (
--embedding xlm-roberta-base
).Performing all tasks on the input stored at
which can be a single input file or a folder storing multiple input files (--input path/to/your/input
).Writing the output to
which stores the output files, each is a json file with the prefix is the file name of the processed input file (--output_dir path/to/your/output_dir
In this command, we can put more processing options at [OPTIONS]
. Detailed description of the options that can be used:
Language(s) of the pipeline to be initialized. Check out this page to see the available language names.
Example use:
-Monolingual case:
python -m trankit [other options] --lang english
-Multilingual case with 3 languages:
python -m trankit [other options] --lang english,chinese,arabic
-Multilingual case with all supported languages:
python -m trankit [other options] --lang auto
In multilingual mode, trankit will automatically detect the language of the input file(s) to use corresponding models.
Note that, language detection is done at file level.
Forcing trankit to run on CPU. Default: False.Example use:
python -m trankit [other options] --cpu
Multilingual embedding for trankit. Default: xlm-roberta-base.
Example use:
-XLM-Roberta base:
python -m trankit [other options] --embedding xlm-roberta-base
-XLM-Roberta large:
python -m trankit [other options] --embedding xlm-roberta-large
Location to store downloaded model files. Default: “cache/trankit”.
Example use:
python -m trankit [other options] --cache_dir your/cache/dir
Location of the input.
If it is a directory, trankit will process each file in the input directory at a time.
If it is a file, trankit will process the file only.
Example use:
-Input is a directory:
python -m trankit [other options] --input some_dir_path
-Input is a file:
python -m trankit [other options] --input some_file_path
Indicating the input format.
Case 1: Each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string:
python -m trankit [other options] --input_format plaindoc
Case 2: Each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line:
python -m trankit [other options] --input_format plainsen
Case 3: Each input file contains pretokenized SENTENCES separated by “\n\n”, each sentence is organized into multiple lines, each line contains only a single word:
python -m trankit [other options] --input_format pretok
Sample inputs can be found here:
Location of the output directory to store the processed files. Processed files will be in json format, with the naming convention as follows:
processed_file_name = input_file_name + .processed.json
Example use:
python -m trankit [other options] --output_dir some_dir_path
Task to be performed for the provided input.
Use cases:
-Sentence segmentation, assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task ssplit
-Sentence segmentation + Tokenization, assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task dtokenize
-Tokenization only, assuming each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line (
--input_format plainsen
).python -m trankit [other options] --task stokenize
-Sentence segmentation, Tokenization, Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing.
Assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task dposdep
-Tokenization only, Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing.
Assuming each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line (
--input_format plainsen
).python -m trankit [other options] --task sposdep
-Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing.
Assuming each input file contains pretokenized SENTENCES separated by “\n\n”, each sentence is organized into multiple lines, each line contains only a single word (
--input_format pretok
).python -m trankit [other options] --task pposdep
-Sentence segmentation, Tokenization, Lemmatization
Assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task dlemmatize
-Tokenization only, Lemmatization
Assuming each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line (
--input_format plainsen
).python -m trankit [other options] --task slemmatize
Assuming each input file contains pretokenized SENTENCES separated by “\n\n”, each sentence is organized into multiple lines, each line contains only a single word (
--input_format pretok
).python -m trankit [other options] --task plemmatize
-Sentence segmentation, Tokenization, Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task dner
-Tokenization only, Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line (
--input_format plainsen
).python -m trankit [other options] --task sner
-Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file contains pretokenized SENTENCES separated by “\n\n”, each sentence is organized into multiple lines, each line contains only a single word (
--input_format pretok
).python -m trankit [other options] --task pner
-Sentence segmentation, Tokenization, Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing, Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file is a single raw DOCUMENT string (
--input_format plaindoc
).python -m trankit [other options] --task dall
-Tokenization only, Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing, Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file contains multiple raw SENTENCE strings in each line (
--input_format plainsen
).python -m trankit [other options] --task sall
-Part-of-speech tagging, Morphological tagging, Dependency parsing, Named Entity Recognition.
Assuming each input file contains pretokenized SENTENCES separated by “\n\n”, each sentence is organized into multiple lines, each line contains only a single word (
--input_format pretok
).python -m trankit [other options] --task pall